When teaching children how to write, we must also explain why to write
Research suggests that teachers are underprepared to teach writing, particularly digital writing for broad audiences using tools to combine text, images, audio, and video.
Research suggests that teachers are underprepared to teach writing, particularly digital writing for broad audiences using tools to combine text, images, audio, and video.
The SEL guide is a practical resource that provides profiles of each program, including the specific skills it targets and instructional methods it uses.
Schools nationwide are using federal coronavirus relief funding to add teachers, counselors, and social workers. As many schools move ahead with hiring, the funding cliff looms.
This toolkit is designed to help school- and district-based practitioners engage in a continuous improvement effort. It provides an overview of continuous improvement and focuses on the Plan-Do-Study-Act cycle.
Internet dead zones and 'thick' homework packets took an emotional toll on Navajo students during COVID-19 school year. They didn't give up!
A new REL Southeast study reviews 20 years of research on early literacy interventions aimed at improving language, phonological awareness, print knowledge, decoding, and early writing skills for preschool students.
The K–12 Cybersecurity Learning Standards, designed with usability in mind, are available for wholesale adoption by districts and educators to incorporate into existing curricula opportunities or course standards.
North Dakota, the latest state to expand their curriculum, passed a law earlier this year that requires schools to teach Native American history, starting with the upcoming school year.
The Return to Learn Tracker (R2L) examines which schools are offering fully in-person, hybrid, and fully remote instruction and analyzes instructional status across various district and county demographics.