Study Snapshot: Examining Implementation and Outcomes of the Project On-Track High-Dosage Literacy Tutoring Program
Key findings in this snapshot suggest that schools/districts using a highly structured tutoring program exercise flexibility in when/how often tutoring is offered without compromising program quality and benefits to students.
Examining Implementation and Outcomes of the Project On-Track High-Dosage Tutoring Program
Launched in 2021 in response to a literacy crisis in northeastern Tennessee, Project On-Track provides highdosage, small-group literacy tutoring to students in grade 1–3.
Artificial Intelligence and the Future of Teaching and Learning
This report addresses the clear need for sharing knowledge, engaging educators, and refining technology plans and policies for artificial intelligence (AI) use in education.
Designing for Education with Artificial Intelligence: An Essential Guide for Developers
This guide seeks to inform product leads and their teams of innovators, designers, developers, customer-facing staff, and legal teams while creating AI products and services for use in education.
School Safety Back-to-School Campaign
This campaign aims to empower K-12 communities to use tools/resources before, during, and beyond the back-to-school season to create and sustain safe/supportive learning environments for students and educators.
Academic Language Webinar Series: Four Practical Concepts for Tier 1 Core
This webinar series aimed at sharing four practical concepts that support inclusive academic language skills essential for students learning English in all classrooms.
Indigenous Educator
Pathways I
The Making a Difference webinar series is designed to convene and equip tribal and SEA leaders to focus on emerging innovative policies and practices that can tackle persistent challenges for
Multilingual Learner Partnership Process
R11CC collaborates with State Education Agencies (SEAs) to provide high-quality technical assistance, build collaborative relationships, and support local educational service agencies make impactful changes for student learning.
Approaches Associated with Positive Outcomes in Schools Serving Native American Students: Annotated Bibliography
This annotated bibliography represents an emerging compilation of research on student racialethnic identity affirmation, language revitalization, and social-emotional wellness, primarily for Native American students.