
Foster Psychological Safety & Double-Loop Learning to Drive Meaningful Change

By Kirsten Naomi Rogers Chapman and Ben Cronkright After three months as the school improvement team lead for South Lake High School, Louisa has hit a brick wall. Her team is meeting consistently, collecting and analyzing data on student progress, implementing changes to classroom practice, and generally getting along, but Louisa feels like they’re going

2023-03-22T21:43:18+00:00March 22nd, 2023|Blog, North Dakota|

Voices From the Region: An Interview with Fred Osborn from SD’s Office of Indian Education

Voices from the Region spotlights stakeholders in Region 11 and their work to improve educational opportunities and outcomes. R11CC is privileged to collaborate with and share the insights of Fred Osborn, director of the Office of Indian Education at the South Dakota Department of Tribal Relations. This interview was featured in the R11CC Winter-Spring 2023

2023-01-31T22:22:05+00:00January 30th, 2023|Blog|