Expect, Engage, Empower: Successful Transitions for All!
The 3Es initiative focuses on improving postsecondary outcomes for children and youth with disabilities by challenging the field to empower all who support transition services to improve outcomes.
EdTech Evidence Toolkit
The EdTech Evidence Toolkit includes four Evidence One-Pager and Blog Series and offers educational leaders support in using evidence to inform edtech adoption decisions in schools.
Academic Screening Tools Chart Selector
The Academic Screening Tools Chart Selector was created to help streamline the user's experience when searching for a screener that fits their goals.
Interactive Resource on Systems Change Highlights Work in North Dakota
The R11CC team and NDDPI illustrate how North Dakota schools are working to accomplish effective systems change to improve student achievement through an interactive poster.
Regional Educational Laboratories and Regional Comprehensive Centers: Addressing High Priority Needs at the State and Local Level
The U.S. DOE's REL and CC programs collaborate to meet their shared mission of improving student outcomes by helping educators and decisionmakers apply research evidence to policy and practice.
Developing and Implementing a Wyoming Comprehensive K–3 Reading Framework to Improve Outcomes for Struggling Readers
This infographic provides a timeline that represents the development & implementation of Wyoming's comprehensive K–3 reading framework for improving outcomes for struggling readers.
National Comprehensive Center Highlight: What is the CCNetwork?
This video details the role and impact of the CCNetwork in education and its impact at all levels.
The Opportunity Myth: What Students Can Show Us About How School Is Letting Them Down—and How to Fix It
The Opportunity Myth: At every grade level, in every district, for students of every demographic background, school is not honoring their aspirations or setting them up for success.
Relighting the Fires for Standards Implementation in South Dakota
Have you ever wanted to accomplish a task but couldn’t find guidance on how to successfully achieve it? This was the problem many schools/educators were experiencing in South Dakota.