Summer School Looks to Help Kids Catch Up
Tulsa Public Schools and other districts are embracing plans for summer programs that mix academics with play and in-person socialization to help kids “catch up.”
Tools and Guidance for Evaluating Bias in Instructional Materials
This report developed by the Region 8 Comprehensive Center provides 14 tools and several resources that can be used by instructional teams to evaluate and assess bias in curricular materials.
8 Ways a Year of Dueling Crises Is Shaping the Future of K–12 Schools
The impacts of a pandemic that disrupted school from the ground up and the nation’s reckoning with systemic racism will be felt in education for years to come.
Five Things We Learned About Schools in the Pandemic
On the first anniversary of nationwide school shutdowns, Chalkbeat looks back on this toughest of years in education through those who experienced it firsthand: educators, counselors, students, parents.
Digest of Education Statistics 2019 provides new and historical data on all aspects of education
The primary purpose of this publication is to provide a compilation of statistical information covering the broad field of American education from pre-kindergarten through graduate school.
First American School District Panel Survey Shows that Remote Learning Is Here to Stay
The authors of this Rand report developed a national picture of school districts' approaches to school reopenings with many school districts taking cues from state and local school boards.
REL Tool to Help Teams of Educators Assess Literacy Coaching
REL Southeast developed this self-study guide tool to increase the knowledge, skills, and ability of preK–grade 12 teachers who are receiving coaching services to implement evidence-based practices in their classroom.
National Strategy for the COVID-19 Response and Pandemic Preparedness
The National Strategy provides a roadmap by outlining an actionable plan to address the COVID-19 pandemic, including twelve initial executive actions issued by President Biden.
A What Works Clearinghouse (WWC) Rapid Evidence Review of Distance Learning Programs
The WWC conducted a rapid evidence review to report on the variety and effectiveness of available distance learning models and programs.