The Mental Health Technology Transfer Center Network (MHTTC) Offers Free Online Courses
The MHTTC Network offers high-quality, on-demand or instructor-led courses to expedite the adoption and implementation of evidence-based practices for mental health prevention, treatment, and recovery services.
Strengthening Resilience: Promoting Positive Mental Health Among Indigenous Youth
This resource provides tools for K–12 educators, administrators, and mental health treatment providers to better address the learning and behavioral health needs of Indigenous youth in a holistic manner.
Can Texting Parents Improve Attendance in Elementary School? A Test of an Adaptive Messaging Strategy
Research has shown that messaging via text can successfully change behavior and that increased parental involvement can lead to children experiencing better academic, behavioral, and social outcomes.
The May 2022 Federal Indian Boarding School Investigative Report
This report is a first step in acknowledging the experiences of Federal Indian boarding school children and reorienting Federal policies to support the revitalization of Tribal languages and cultural practices.
50-State Scan of SEL in the United States
Ed Trust and CASEL partnered to create this dashboard which identifies six policy areas in each state to holistically support both social and emotional needs and academic learning for students.
Connecting the Brain and Body to Support Equity Work: A Toolkit for Education Leaders
This toolkit offers evidence-based information on the brain and behavior to guide leaders in recognizing and responding to physical, social, and emotional needs in the education agency context.
Education Across America: Cities, Suburbs, Towns, and Rural Areas
NCES is excited to announce the release of a resource hub that focuses on a three-phase approach to disaggregate data by cities, suburbs, towns, and rural areas.
The Afterschool Alliance’s 4th edition of America After 3PM Provides a Detailed Account of Children in the Afterschool Hours
This detailed account identifies trends of participation in, and unmet demand for, afterschool programs; the experiences and opportunities programs afford; and which children and families are missing out, and why.
Government Accountability Office Report on Trends Affecting Government and Society
Through environmental scanning and analysis, GAO has identified 12 key trends the agency anticipates will affect the domestic and global context for years to come.