The Future of Education: Preparing for a New Future
As educators work to equip students with the skills and mindsets, they’ll need to navigate massive change and prepare for a new future.
Building the Framework: A Report on Elementary Grades Reading in Tennessee
The goal of the campaign is that, by 2025, at least 75 percent of Tennessee students will be proficient readers by the end of third grade.
Continuing the Journey: Mathematics Learning 2021 and Beyond
The process of continuing the journey in mathematics learning addresses three key areas that have implications for equitable access to high-quality mathematics teaching and learning.
Wyoming Department of Education K–3 Literacy Guidance Framework
This document examines the use of evidence-based practices and materials in all tiers of instruction—the key to the development of skilled readers.
Handbook of Research on Teachers of Color and Indigenous Teachers Now Available!
The Handbook addresses key issues and obstacles in ethnoracial diversity across the life course of teachers’ careers, such as recruitment and retention, professional development, and the role of minority-serving institutions.
Reimagining School Safety: A Guide for Schools and Communities
This interactive guide pulls from different frameworks and concepts to provide educators, school leaders, and district administrators with grounded examples of what is possible by reimagining school safety.
Encouraging Families to Visit a Literacy Website: A Randomized Study of the Impact of Email and Text Message Communications
The Arkansas DOE partnered with REL Southwest to study the effectiveness of text/email communications to increase the number of parent and guardian visits to the R.I.S.E. website.
New Data from NCES: School Experiences with COVID-19: September 2022
The National Center for Education Statistics (NCES) within the U.S. Department of Education’s Institute of Education Sciences (IES) releases the latest round of findings from the School Pulse Panel (SPP).
Heritage Language Learners and American Indian and Alaska Native Students
This infographic highlights the importance of promoting and elevating the Heritage languages of AI/AN multilingual learners (MLs).