Learning Loss Affects Nearly Half of Nation’s Students
Nearly half of the nation’s students entered school last fall below grade level in at least one subject, most often in reading or math.
Supporting Students in Poverty with High-Impact Instructional Strategies Toolkit
This toolkit provides teachers, principals, district staff, and state agencies with evidence-based, high-impact strategies that have the potential to decrease the negative impacts of poverty on student achievement.
Complexities of the Self: Inner Work for Equity Leaders
This brief supports equity-focused leaders in understanding/reflecting on how their internal life intersects with their public equity leadership—to then impact social change.
Educator Mental Health Closely Tied to Pandemic Classroom Effectiveness
This report by the Trauma-Informed Schools Learning Collaborative found indicators that educator mental health is tied to teachers’ feelings of efficacy.
What’s on the Curriculum Menu?
Studies have shown that a well-designed and implemented curriculum can have a significant impact on student achievement—there are three questions to check if your curriculum is truly effective.
I Matter Program
Colorado developed the I Matter program to provide access to mental health and substance use disorder services for youth, including addressing needs that may have resulted from the COVID-19 pandemic.
The Ready Keiki Initiative: Coordinated Effort To Expand High-Quality Child Care
With the goal of creating 465 new preschool classrooms by 2032, the initiative aims to increase provider subsidies for lower-income families with children and train new preschool teachers and assistants.
The National Governors Association (NGA) : Opportunities for Shifting the Paradigm
The pandemic stress-tested our education system in unprecedented ways and presented a golden opportunity to remedy some long-standing systemic weaknesses through transformative system changes.
Future of Education: Evolving How We Teach and Learn
Part two of this Trend Forecast Report examines how technology advances can help provide educators and education leaders with a common understanding of the trends informing the future of education.